Every now and then thousands of people hear about countless diets or processes to lose weight, however each of these theories or procedures fade away soon after, there are even some that come back as if it were a retro fad. One of these examples is the very successful ketogenic diet or Keto diet, which today is one of the most talked about taboos in social networks or even in nutrition clinics (in which there is no doctor responsible). In 2014 they tried to make this type of diets take off, however researchers from prestigious Universities such as Harvard, warned of the danger of this type of processes, since they were more the cost than the benefit medically speaking.
In 1920 this type of diets were used for the treatment of epileptic seizures in children, however they began to be used as a therapeutic dietary process in 1970, in spite of the growing research and use of these diets very low in carbohydrates, in weight control and metabolic syndrome management, no clear conclusion was reached regarding their benefits.
The metabolic change brought about by ketogenic diets takes place when the carbohydrate content is insufficient and our body begins to release ketones, and of course everyone will say that they help in the elimination of fat, however this causes malnutrition, since the limitations in terms of intake of vitamins, minerals and fiber are too much.
The ketogenic diet does not contribute to a balanced diet, but proposes a temporary alternative to lose weight and therefore the patient, not making changes in their lifestyle and eating behavior in the long term, regain weight quickly, as it is not a diet that can be performed throughout life or that promotes healthy habits.
Among the most common risks as mentioned above, he listed some of them:
1. nutrient deficiency (selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, as well as vitamins B and C).
2. Hepatic (liver) problems and even worse if you have a liver problem.
3. Renal (kidney) problems due to the high intake of proteins that must be metabolized.
4. Confusion, due to the fact that our brain requires healthy sugars for its functioning.
5. Chronic constipation, due to the reduction of fiber intake.
6. Halitosis (bad breath) due to the strong odor of ketones.
7. It could produce Ketoasidosis or ketoacidotic coma, this due to the excess of ketones as well.
8. Prolonged exposure to this type of diet can lead to death, adding that patients who undergo this type of process are rarely examined by the doctor and much less is known of their current biochemical status.
In addition to these risks, it is very likely that patients treated with this type of diets are handled by "NON-MEDICALS", I would even dare to say that by "NUTRIOLOGISTS" who do not have medical support, are not trained to integrate a clinical record based on diagnostic evidence and much less ask for laboratory tests to corroborate that their patient is completely healthy and may be exposed to this system so mediocre and full of irregularities.