Cavitation & Radiofrequency
Cavitation removes fat by means of ultrasonic waves that generate bubbles inside the fat cells to burst and become liquid. The radio frequency through multiple electromagnetic waves generate heat to remove collagen fibers and produce new fibers.
What is Cavitation and Radiofrequency?
Cavitation is a non-invasive procedure that uses apparatology, an aesthetic treatment whose purpose is the removal of localized fat accumulations, favoring the reduction of body volume through the use of low-frequency ultrasound that helps us to destroy fatty tissue so that our body reacts by sending macrophages, or "Pac-Man cells." These cells are responsible for phagocyting or eating the dead cells so that the liver processes them naturally, metabolizes them, and they are eliminated from the body.
In order to undergo cavitation treatment, a prior medical study is necessary. The reason for this is that cavitation treatment is contraindicated in:
Patients with pacemakers or any other electronic device implanted in the body.
Patients with hypercholesterolemia or hypertriglyceridemia.
Patients with renal or hepatic failure.
Pregnant women.
Women who are breastfeeding.
Cavitation is a revolutionary treatment that offers extraordinary results, in addition to having numerous benefits. Therefore, it is not only responsible for giving the skin a healthy and rejuvenated look, but also:
Improves circulation.
It expels toxins and liquids.
Tones the skin tissues.
Helps regulate intestinal transit.
Fights cellulite and orange peel.
Activates collagen production.
It reaches the fat located between tissues, which is difficult to remove by other methods.
Radiofrequency is a procedure that consists in the use of ultrasonic frequency on the skin, which causes the controlled heating of the different layers of the dermis that support the destruction of collagen fibers that are stretched for the body to generate new fibers that help tighten the skin, which promotes:
Formation of new collagen.
The lymphatic drainage.
The circulation of skin and subcutaneous tissue.
Migration of fibroblasts.
It is a painless procedure used for the treatment of cellulite and sagging skin on any part of the body. The immediate effect of the application of radio frequency is the retraction of collagen, which, after successive sessions, achieves the restructuring of deep collagen and the formation of new fibers that replace the already aged, providing greater elasticity and obtaining a smoother skin and, as a result, reducing wrinkles and flaccidity epithelial. Effects are usually achieved from the month of treatment and improve in the following, depending on the patient’s collagen.

45 Minutos 1 vez a la semana por Área Tratada
Resultados visibles de 2 a 4 días
Aumenta +15% la elastina de la piel
Réduce -5% la celulitis
No invasivo y sin dolor
Aumenta la circulación sanguínea

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Cacitation & Radiofrequency
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